Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hey, didn't know if we should post our concepts or not, so here's mine. i was gonna do a paintover, but my tablet wont turn on, so it'll have to wait for now.

Im planning on adding candles and drapes and what not along with a ceiling and a front entrance, i'll update it as I go :D

so the story is there's an old church that fanatics worshipped in, they barricaded the entrance(building that) im gonna beat some of it up, and i was hoping to high poly, if i can get a well made low early on.

Anyway, this all connects to catacombs that you'd have to backtrack through in order to actually get inside the church(since it'll be barricaded) and upon the altar there will be an object that has magical power(one of many), the magic leaked into said catacombs raise ghouls and zombies and wraiths(the usuals) so I'd like blood stains leading to the catacomb stairs like they dragged people off.

I was gonna do a cold building and warm lights from the candles around the magic item, maybe light from the windows falling upon the altar, but i was thinking maybe id switch it since the object is sort of evil, maybe a warm church(the catacombs before being cool colors) and then a cold altar through a window that might look out into a snowy day.

Last thing for now. Is it possible for us to make gaping holes in our interior scene, like a hole in the roof/wall at the far end of the church just above the balcony, so you cant go through it just see through it? maybe particle effects like snowfall through the hole.

I have no idea how hard it would be but I would like to put a lot of effort into this.

here's some reference and the quick concept paint i did before i started.

here's what my layout looks more like now.

interior reference.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Josh,

    Thanks for putting something up for us to look at! This is a really good start. I love the stylization of the scene.It looks like something that would fit into a Lego StarWars game if they ever decided to add a Church into it. The first thing that caught my eye was how tight the space is. You need to let players run around your space so I would move the columns and pews further apart.

    The other question I have, is that I don't see anything off of the syllabus' checklist done. For tomorrow, you should have reference, the paint over and sketches of supporting assets for this week. If your tablet is broken you can do a paper drawing as well. I really want to see the mood. This scene has many directions it can take from here and I want to see what you are envisioning. I appreciate your enthusiasm to jump right into your project, but pre-planning is just as important as the actual production. You might have these other things and just didn't show them, but I wanted to bring it up.

    Otherwise, I like where this is going and I look forward to seeing this piece evolve.
    Thanks again for being the first to post and I will see you tomorrow!


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