Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ground textures

1 comment:

  1. Hi Grace,

    These are looking pretty good. Each of them still have some fine lines from offsetting or stamping so zoom in and start using smaller brushes. Don't forget to offset by different sizes and to not touch the edges once a tile is complete.

    One thing that I question when looking at these is how much of your own hand is in it? They each look like one or 2 good photographs that were made to tile with some color shifts. When using photos, you should still have numerous references with adjustment layers, dodging and burning and light adjustments to make it cohesive. These aren't bad for a start, but you want to take them to the next level.

    For the sandy+dirt bump, I would try to take those light spots and have them spread to make mounds or more solid shapes. Right now you are just going to have a few circular pieces raised instead of an area or just a few rocks like you have in your other rock texture.

    Lastly, I would like to see how these look next to each tiled on your terrain because your saturation levels are not consistent. The moss and plants are overly green and your mixing it with dead leaves. Why is it lush and wet and dead and dry in the same area? The sand and pebble are almost monochromatic and low in saturation so you need to see what they look like side by side.


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