Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Model 1 for proj.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hoang,

    We missed you in class yesterday. Your models are looking pretty good, but you need to watch that your texture density is consistent. The top of the columns and the broken piece are blurrier when compared to the post. Also, bring that bump down. Subtlety is key. Right now it is unrealistically bumpy and it looks overly noisy. Don't forget that when creating bumps you should treat each material separately. Your moss and rock have the same amount of bump right now and that wouldn't be true in real life. Moss is very soft usually and the rocks should have sharp, defined cracks. Right now it's almost smooth.

    As for your ground texture, I think it looks pretty good. The rocks are looking good but don't forget to keep your detail consistent. Some of those lower rocks are missing that defined edge you gave the other rocks. It shouldn't be the same value of white since they are lower, but they should still have one.I like the color variation in the grass, but it doesn't look grounded. There are grass bottoms on top of the rocks and that wouldn't happen. They need to
    be coming from the ground. Don't just use the grass brush for the grass either. Add your own detail as well for highlights and grounding.
    Lastly, don't forget to look at your texture in Unreal or tiled in Max on a plane so you can see where your tiling is happening.

    Where is your terrain and 2 other ground textures?


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