Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Texture Update

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jocelyn,

    Do you have an update on your scene? You needed to work on the tiling of the ground textures and the model texture. Also, don't forget to blend your textures. Right now everything has a hard edge. We try to get ground textures to be consistent and work together so that they blend nicely and can look more realistic.

    Also, why is your model's bottom so dark? Let's add environment color in your scene so that there aren't any black shadows.(view,world info,lightmass). You also need to be adding some shading and lighting into your texture so that things pop. For example the wood beam or the beams that are running down the corners of your roof. Lastly watch the density between the roof, the floor and the rest. The floor and roof and a lot more blurry.

    Can you post more updated shots?


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