Monday, November 29, 2010


uh ohh...

I got the skybox in, with cloud and everything. But when I moved the directional light to where the sun is the rest of the other mesh in the terrain came out with weird shadows.

Need help with lightsss!


  1. Not saying that I'm 100% sure that it's what's going on, but make sure your light isn't being blocked by your skydome mesh.

  2. Is this the same thing we went over together last week when we had to mess around with the normal maps? Have you tried rebuilding the lighting? Also your terrain still needs a lot of work. It still has all the spikes all over it and those steep walls that you have built need more character. You see how you have a wall of shadow? Make hills and mountains out of those walls so it gives a more interesting silhouette.

  3. One more note... did you unwrap your skydome? Your clouds are in a weird direction. They should pull horizontally not vertically.

  4. I did a Planar unwrap but I don't know why there is still a little bit of stretching on the bottom as the dome ends. Relax doesn't really help much.

  5. You didn't put the polar cooridinates on your clouds which is why they are the wrong direction. Did you get your lights working?

  6. What you see there is aleady the lit scene, but just the light still appear weirdly on the columns /mesh. I forgot how to rebuild the light.

  7. lighting can appear weird without building. You need to build in order to know what it really looks like. If you don't know how to do that you really need to be spending a lot more time in Unreal with your project.

    build lights


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