Saturday, November 20, 2010

quick update :D

heres a few screenshots from inside unreal!

I'm still working on the darker texture around the crystals, and the wall(which im going to make multi-directional so it wont be up and down)

everything is unwrapped, the crystals just have a place holder texture, and will be getting a nicer packing tonight, so they wont look so huwierd.

Back to work! :D

Edit: im thinking of adding lava under the bridge, yes or no? lol

1 comment:

  1. The ground is looking good! I would add more cracks into the broken one for around the crystals. I am interested in seeing how your striated wall looks. I know that you are going with Derek's suggestion for making them 2 textures, so I am guessing the lava is out. I am still thinking that the colors in all 3 textures are too similar though both in value and color. Maybe put a purple or blue overlay on top of the broken dirt to make it darker. I feel like we are walking around hell or by a very active volcano. Is that the feeling you are trying to convey? What color will the sky and crystals be?


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