Friday, November 19, 2010

Progress, Progress, we are making progress....

Here's some in progress shots of my unreal scene and the texture files for the three ground textures I've worked on so far. I haven't touched the castle yet since last class because I've been focusing on getting the ground better. All of the ground texture have a diffuse, spec and normal map applied. However, most of them are pretty simple at this point and need some tweaking. I haven't done much in the material editor other than plug in the respective maps.

Feedback Appreciated


1 comment:

  1. That ice looks so much better! Don't you think? I would try to vary the size of the cracks a bit b/c right now they are mostly the same size and that helps the texture look more patterned. So break that up a bit and I think it could help to put a light white layer with low opacity and light noise on top to lighten up how dark the blue is and to unify the texture. The snow looks a lot better too. It now has actual texture to it. What does the spec look like? It looks like it needs to be higher to me.
    The one that needs the most work is the dirt right now. It is very spotty. There almost looks like there are spot lights in certain areas. Mis the colors together, don't keep them separate. There are also quite a few hard lines as well that you need to get rid of. Lastly, it is very bumpy in some areas, but smooth in others. So let's try to make that more unified as well.


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